Amy McKinnon Nutrition Recipe E-book

Amy McKinnon Nutrition Recipe E-book


Changing the way I ate was one of the best decisions I made in my life over 5 years ago.

I learnt that by eating wholesome plant foods my body reacted with such positivity. I was able to manage my diabetes like never before with incredibly stable blood glucose levels, my weight would stay in the healthy weight range, I could train and run marathons without feeling tired, sore or burnt out.

So here is my first recipe e-book that gives you insight into the foods that changed my life and can change yours.

This e-book shares my passion for healthy eating, simple cooking and enjoying life while feeling great.

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be hard, expensive or flavorless.

I have included some of my favorite recipes I’ve made over the past 5 years.

I hope you enjoy the recipes as much as I do. I hope you share them with family and friends and make them your own.

I hope you too can enjoy the pleasures of healthy food that make you feel well, happy and at peace with yourself on the inside and out.

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